Alberta and Newfoundland Make Peace, Will Merge to Form New Province: ‘Newfab’


In a shocking turn of events, the provinces of Alberta and Newfoundland have announced that they will be merging to form a new province called “Newfab.”

The decision to merge came after years of tension between the two provinces, with Alberta often being portrayed as the “wealthy, arrogant big brother” and Newfoundland as the “poor, downtrodden little sibling.” However, the two sides have decided to put aside their differences and join forces to create a new, stronger province.

“We realized that by working together, we can accomplish so much more,” said Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. “Newfab will be a powerhouse of industry and innovation, with the natural resources of Alberta and the rugged beauty of Newfoundland attracting tourists from all over the world.”

Newfoundland Premier Dwight Ball added, “We are excited to join forces with Alberta and create a province that will be the envy of the rest of the country. Together, we will create jobs, stimulate the economy, and make Newfab a leader in the 21st century.”

The new province will be headquartered in the city of Calgary, with a secondary office in St. John’s. The two sides are currently working on a new flag and motto for the province, which is expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks.

Many are skeptical about the merger, with some saying that it is simply a ploy by Alberta to exert more control over the country. However, the leaders of both provinces insist that the merger is a genuine effort to create a stronger, more united Canada.

(This article is obviously satire, if this post goes viral I will create more of these.)