• Electric Vehicle Has To Get Charged Every 100 Miles Meme

    This is one of those memes that will attract fact checkers even though they’ve never owned an electric car. The electric car meme shows that...

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    Open Meme
    This is one of those memes that will attract fact checkers even though they’ve never owned an electric car. The electric car meme shows that electric cars don’t preform well under certain conditions, like taking a road trip. It has to be charged every 100 miles or so especially in the winter, then a tow...
  • As An Adult, Do We Even Want To Live Anymore?

    This is a meme that illustrates the feeling of hopelessness and loss of purpose in a person’s life when their adult children no longer want...

    adults want to live meme
    Open Meme
    This is a meme that illustrates the feeling of hopelessness and loss of purpose in a person’s life when their adult children no longer want to live. Usually we put stickers on our car of our children. (not me) But sometimes that is wrong, as adults we want to live too and that’s why the...
  • Mom, what’s a Hypocrisy?

    The whole COVID era was very confusing for the government, memes like this surfaced since the government of nearly every country in the world started...

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    Open Meme
    The whole COVID era was very confusing for the government, memes like this surfaced since the government of nearly every country in the world started implementing their own COVID policies. This caused great division and many people fell for government orders. Hypocrites were born around the world thanks to government corruption and their implementation of...
  • Drinking while not driving in Florida

    This true news story turned funny drinking meme made me laugh out loud. I didn’t think it was a real story and had to look...

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    Open Meme
    This true news story turned funny drinking meme made me laugh out loud. I didn’t think it was a real story and had to look it up, this man got caught for drinking and driving, but he somewhat has a valid point if he only drank at stop lights? Still he was driving drunk. There’s...
  • When my wife is the backseat driver

    I’m sure all men have this problem, every time they drive anywhere the wives always seem to be the perfect backseat driver. Sometimes that can...

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    Open Meme
    I’m sure all men have this problem, every time they drive anywhere the wives always seem to be the perfect backseat driver. Sometimes that can be super extreme and annoying, but we love them as so we should because our wives care for us.  